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Is it Hard to Love Yourself?

This week my friend asked me a question that lingered in my thoughts, "Why can't I wake up every day and just be okay?" It was a question packed with depth. Essentially, they were pondering why it's challenging to awaken with a sense of love and contentment instead of feeling dread for lack, and anxiety for the future.

In that moment, words eluded me. I offered a hug. During my meditation this morning, an intriguing analogy struck me. Since my friend and I bond over fitness, I likened the process to building muscles. Considering our shared interest in fitness, I likened the process to building muscles. If we rephrased the inquiry to, "Why can't I wake up every day and just 'be fit'?" suddenly, clarity emerged. Indeed, if our environment necessitated physical exertion for survival—running, hunting, lifting heavy objects—we would naturally wake up fit. But our reality doesn't mirror such demands. Instead, we're surrounded by conveniences like supermarkets and effortless door access, with minimal physical exertion required.

Returning to the original question, "Why can't I wake up every day and just be okay?" The answer parallels our fitness analogy—our current world setup doesn't facilitate it. Reflecting on our upbringing in the 90s and early 2000s, it's evident that sarcasm, criticism, and casual bullying pervaded our culture, shaping our internal dialogues. However, just as we can sculpt our bodies with regular workouts, we can cultivate fulfillment, happiness, and self-love through daily practices.

We commit to daily affirmations, meditation, journaling positive aspects, and nurturing positive self-talk. These habits serve as beacons, guiding us through the haze of negativity that often surrounds us. This builds that happiness muscle within our minds. By consciously raising our vibrations, we not only empower ourselves but also pave the path for a brighter future.

To transcend the limitations of our upbringing, the change must start within. Let's make the world better for us and future generations by practicing self-love. Be the light. Once you start the habit, it's addicting. Then waking up just to 'be ok' will be a joyous beginning of your day. Not only that, but every time you consciously raise your vibration you empower yourself to choose better for you.


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